Please help Leslie battle Breast Cancer

Hello everyone!  I know it's been some time.  However I do have some news. Some of you may already know this. I have recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. This was caught during a routine mammogram (get your girls checked ladies!). I am very fortunate that this was caught early and I have an amazing team of doctors and assistants that are helping me along this journey.
I will be going into surgery to have the tumor and surrounding tissue removed, then reconstructive surgery and lymph node removal (this is just to verify that the cancer has not spread). This will happen within the next couple of weeks. Once healed from that, I'll go into treatments. Treatments will include chemo, radiation and hormone therapy. If all goes according to plan I should be back at it by fall. 
I am fortunate to have health insurance through the ACA, however without being able to work for a number of months I am hoping to raise funds to help cover the additional medical expenses as well as help with covering living expenses so I can focus on recovery without stress.  
Eric is my rock and is helping me every step of the way. I have an amazing group of friends who support me here in Houston as well as family close by. And of course all of YOU! 
I WILL BEAT THIS!!  I'm going to try and channel all my feelings into some new work.  
Anything you can give is very much appreciated. Even if you can't give at the moment, we totally understand. Just a simple share of this link is helpful and a huge support! ;Click here to Support>>>>>
Of course buying a piece of art is always helpful and appreciated as well:)